Otto von bismarck biography wikipedia pl

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Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen (ur. 1 kwietnia w Schönhausen (Elbe), zm. 30 lipca we Friedrichsruh (Aumühle) (inne języki)) – niemiecki polityk, mąż stanu, premier Prus, kanclerz Rzeszy zwany Żelaznym Kanclerzem. Odegrał wiodącą rolę w procesie zjednoczenia Niemiec.

Anna holtz beethoven wikipedia magyar

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Talán az a baj, hogy Anna Holz kitalált személy, és ekként kapcsolódik Beethovenhez, a zenekultúrához, a nyugat kultúrtörténetéhez? Azaz fájó diszkrepancia van a zenetörténet és a fikció között? Ez olyan nagy baj nem lehet. Kétségtelen azonban, hogy Beethoven nagy falat.

Ami bera biography wikipedia

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Amerish Babulal "Ami" Bera (/ ˈ ɑː m i ˈ b ɛr ə / AH-mee BERR-ə; born March 2, ) is an American physician and politician who has been serving as a member of the United States House of Representatives from California since

Vanessa paradis biography wikipedia

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Vanessa Chantal Paradis (n. 22 decembrie , Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Région parisienne, Franța), [ 3 ] [ 4 ] cunoscută ca Vanessa Paradis, este o cântăreață și actriță și fotomodel francez.

Pakistani film actress mumtaz wikipedia

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Mumtaz (Arabic: ممتاز) means "excellent" in the Arabic may be used to signal commendation for an achievement, similar in meaning to bravo and kudos.. Derived from it is a personal name commonly used in various countries in the Muslim world, mainly Afghanistan, Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Turkey.

William munny biography wikipedia

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William Munny is the villainous main protagonist of the Western film Unforgiven. He was portrayed by Clint Eastwood, who also played The Man with No Name in the Dollars Trilogy. Miles away in Kansas, the Schofield Kid, a boastful young man, visits the pig farm of William Munny, seeking to recruit him to kill the cowboys who mutilated a prostitute in the town of Big Whiskey. In his youth.

Hassan el raddad wikipedia wikipedia

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Saturday Night Live Arabic (Arabic: ساترداي نايت لايف بالعربي), commonly known as SNL Arabia, is an Egyptian late-night sketch comedy and variety television program broadcast on OSN Ya Hala HD. [1].

Anais nin biography wikipedia fr

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Anaïs Nin (/anais nin/ ; en anglais: / æ nəis nin/), née Rose Jeanne Anaïs Edelmira Antolina Nin le 21 février à Neuilly-sur-Seine et morte le 14 janvier à Los Angeles, est une écrivaine américaine, fille du pianiste Joaquin Nin,. Faits en bref Naissance, Décès.

Kristoffer winters wikipedia

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He has a house-renovating business with his best friend and fellow actor, Kristoffer Winters. [ 12 ] [ 70 ] He has studied Arnis and Muay Thai martial arts as preparation for his roles in the Mission: Impossible and Avengers franchises.

Victoria osteen biography wikipedia

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Crescendo, Victoria e sua família frequentaram a Igreja de Cristo, uma igreja protestante relativamente conservadora, onde sua mãe, Georgine Iloff, ensinava na escola dominical e seu pai serviu como diácono. Victoria Osteen participou (embora não se formou) da Universidade de Houston, onde estudou psicologia.

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Clooney, Amal. 30 d'abril de "Lliberái a Mohamed Nasheed – un home inocente y la gran esperanza de les Maldives." The Guardian. Alamuddin, Amal. 19 d'agostu de L'anatomía d'un xuiciu inxustu. Huffington Post. Alamuddin, Amal, Nidal Nabil Jurdi, y David Tolbert, eds. El Tribunal Especial pa El Líbanu: Llei y Práutica.

Falaq naaz wikipedia bahasa indonesia

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Mahaputra atau Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap adalah sebuah drama sejarah India yang diproduksi oleh Abhimanyu Raj Singh dari Contiloe an tersebut berdasarkan pada kehidupan Maharana Pratap, seorang penguasa Hindu Rajput abad keenam belas dari Mewar, sebuah wilayah di barat laut India idi negara bagian Rajasthan pada masa sekarang.

Shelli azoff wikipedia images commons

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One the music industry’s most powerful, Irving Azoff and his wife Shelli Azoff might just be the proverbial Hollywood power couple. In the past Irving has served as chairman and CEO of.

Wyclef jean biography wikipedia tagalog

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Wyclef Jean (n. Nel Ust Wyclef Jean ; n. 17 octombrie , Croix-des-Bouquets, Ouest ⁠(d), Haiti) [ 4 ] este un rapper, cântaret, textier, and actor și fost membru al formației Fugees [ 5 ] de origine haitiană.

Music like ozzy osbourne shot

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Find songs which are similar to Shot in the Dark By Ozzy Osbourne, based on similar tempo, similar key and similar genre.

Border patrol agent killed

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The danger of being a Border Patrol agent must be judged in comparison to similar occupations. About one in 6, Border Patrol agents died in the line of duty per year from through for.

Jack wallace age

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Wallace died on April 16 in Los Angeles, his home only a few blocks from that in which Mantegna lives with his wife Arlene. He was 86 and had suffered much of this century from a variety of.