European commission traineeship

  • European commission traineeship
  • EU Careers - Europa...

    General Motivation and Cover Letter:

    When applying for your first post, you will be required to fill in a general motivation section (min.

    European commission traineeship

  • European commission traineeship
  • Biography channel
  • European commission traineeship application
  • EU Careers - Europa
  • Blue book traineeship deadline
  • Blue book traineeship statistics
  • 500, max. 1500 characters). Use this section to explain why you are interested in a traineeship at the European Commission. 

    • Keep in mind that there is only one general motivation for all posts. If you modify it when applying for your second or third post, the changes will be reflected for the 3 posts
    • The same applies to any skills or achievements you declare: the latest update will be shown for all posts

    Once you will have identified a post to apply for, you will have to upload your cover letter (a motivation letter specific to the post, in PDF format) and click "Apply online." We recommend tailoring each cover letter to the specific post. 

    Both the general motivation text and the cover letter(s) will be reviewed by recruiting services and can significantly influence the outcome of your applicatio