Oxford university press american national biography walt

  • Oxford university press american national biography walt
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    American National Biography

    Biographical encyclopedia

    The American National Biography (ANB) is a 24-volume biographical encyclopedia set that contains about 17,400 entries and 20 million words, first published in 1999 by Oxford University Press under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies.


    A 400-entry supplement appeared in 2002.

    Oxford university press american national biography walt

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  • American national biography database
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  • Additional funding came from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

    The ANB bills itself as the successor of the Dictionary of American Biography, which was first published between 1926 and 1937.

    It is not, however, a strict superset of this older publication; the selection of topics was made anew.

    It is commonly available in the reference sections of United States libraries, and is available online by subscription (see external links).

    Awards and reception

    In 1999, the American Library Association awarded the American National Biogra