Andre tchaikovsky composer biography

  • Andre tchaikovsky composer biography
  • Andre tchaikovsky composer biography youtube...

    This website contains a massive amount of material regarding the life, career, and compositions of André Tchaikowsky, a Polish-born musician who died in 1982 and famously bequeathed his scull to the Royal Shakespeare Company for use in Hamlet (and they accepted).

    This website represents the life work of David Ferre, who spent 30 years amassing this valuable archive.

    Andre tchaikovsky composer biography

  • Andre tchaikovsky composer biography wikipedia
  • Andre tchaikovsky composer biography youtube
  • Tchaikovsky piano
  • Tchaikovsky death
  • David passed away in 2020 and we are now seeking a qualified person or institution to continue the guardianship of this website.


    I'm Robert, David's brother. In his memory, I intend to keep this web page current until such time as we hand it off to someone willing to care for it and take it into the future.

    Please inform me of relevant events or information that should be included herein. (robert--at--robertferre--dot com).


    On February 5, 2021, the world premier of André Tchaikowsky's Concerto Classico for violin and orchestra was performed in Warsaw by the National Philharm