St seraphim of sarov biography of rory
St seraphim of sarov biography of rory and dean
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St. Seraphim of Sarov
St. Seraphim (born Prohor Moshnin) was born in 1759 to a merchant family in Kursk. At the age of 10, he became seriously ill.
During the course of his illness, he saw the Mother of God in his sleep, who promised to heal him.
St seraphim of sarov biography of rory
Several days later there was a religious procession in Kursk with the locally revered miracle-working icon of the Mother of God. Due to bad weather, the procession took an abbreviated route past the house of the Moshnin family.
After his mother put Seraphim up to the miracle-working image, he recovered rapidly. While at a young age, he needed to help his parents with their shop, but business had little appeal for him. Young Seraphim loved to read the lives of the saints, to attend church and to withdraw into seclusion for prayer.
At the age of 18, Seraphim firmly decided to become a monk.
His mother blessed him with a large copper crucifix, which he wore over his clothing all his life. After this, he entered the Sarov monast