Cyril o houle biography of mahatma
In memoriam: Cyril Houle, Professor Emeritus in Education.
Cyril o houle biography of mahatma
Cyril Orvin Houle Vita
The Adult Education History Project
Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives
Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra
Cyril Orvin Houle.
[Cyril O. Houle; Cy Houle; C. O. Houle]
Compiled by Roger Hiemstra, August, 1990; data gathered by Dixie L. Glenney, ATE 611 student, Fall, 1989, Roger Hiemstra, and by compilers for published resource guides.
Papers at Syracuse University, Arents Library.
Born in Sarasota, FL, son of John Louis and Annie Mae (Hesock) Houle.Married Bettie Carr Eckhardt Totten, 1947-05-15.
Children--David Eckhardt.On the faculty in Education at the University of Chicago.First recipient of the W. P. Tolley Medal,
Syracuse University, 1966-10-12.Citation from the Association of University Evening Colleges, 1966.Award of Merit from the Nationna