Archibald thorburn signature design
Archibald thorburn signature design collection
Signature design furniture.
Archibald Thorburn Prints
The Archibald Thorburn prints for sale below represent a small selection of the many Archibald Thorburn artist pictures and signed prints available. A Thorburn prints and book subjects include Bird, Game Birds, Birds of Prey, Wildlife and Shooting.
If there is anything in particular by Archibald Thorburn that you are looking for then please contact us on 07889 800857.
Archibald Thorburn (31 May 1860 – 9 October 1935) Bird, Game Bird, Shooting and Wildlife Artist was born in 1860, near Edinburgh.
Archibald thorburn signature design
He painted mostly in watercolour. He regularly visited Scotland to sketch birds in the wild, his favourite haunt being the Forest of Gaick near Kingussie in Invernesshire. His widely reproduced images of British wildlife, with their evocative and dramatic backgrounds, are enjoyed as much today as they were by sportsmen and bird lovers of a century ago.
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Archibald was born at Viewfield Ho