Andrew jackson biography poem for mom

  • Andrew jackson biography poem for mom
  • Christian poem for mom!

    On the life of Andrew Jackson,
    Now dear people I will write,
    And in sketches, I will tell you
    His career with great delight.
    His career on earth is ended;
    But his name is ever bright,
    And his memory is cherished
    As a great glorious knight.

    The early life of Andrew Jackson,
    Its marked in high renown,
    As a lover of his country
    He proved steadfastly profound,
    Through kind teaching of his mother,
    That patriot lady brave;
    His mind strengthened by her wisdom,
    Ere she sank into her grave.

    Ah, in manhood, Andrew Jackson,
    Was a daring fearless man;
    With a strong iron will commanding,
    He was loved throughout our land.
    He was kind and generous hearted
    In his military acts,
    Yet was stubborn, while commanding,
    And no courage did he lack.

    At middle age, Andrew Jackson
    Was a noble warlike man,
    And was capable of handling
    The army at his command.
    You can see it by the battles
    Of his Indian campaign,
    Or the battle of New Orleans,
    Where so many men were slain.

    The dauntless energy of Jackson,