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    Cabri-geometry is the result of researches within the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble and the CNRS, undertaken by the Laboratoire de Structures Discrètes et de Didactique (), followed up by the team EIAH(Environnements Informatiques d'Apprentissage Humain) in the laboratory LEIBNIZ (), and the team DIAM (Informatique et Apprentissage des Mathématiques) until

    Now Cabri software is developped and distributed by the Cabrilog company.

    Cabri history ()

    In , Jean-Marie Laborde, computer scientist, mathematician and researcher in discrete mathematics, proposes the creation of a rough book for geometry, "Cabri-géomètre", allowing an exploration about properties of geometry objects and their relationships.

    At the sides of Jean-Marie Laborde, the craftsmen of the realization of the software are Philippe Cayet, Yves Baulac and Franck Bellemain as students preparing doctoral thesis.
    First efforts lead to acknowledged work:

    • In , a first version of Cabri-géomètre i