Rachel maddow bill weld interview with rachel
Bill weld scandals.
'I fear for the country' if Trump wins, Bill Weld tells Rachel Maddow
Libertarian vice presidential candidate William Weld said the country will be in "chaos" if Donald Trump wins the presidency and praised Hillary Clinton during an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Tuesday.
Rachel maddow bill weld interview with rachel
The former Massachusetts governor conceded that a realistic goal for the Libertarian Party in this election would be to win 5% of the popular vote and while he didn't call for Libertarian voters in swing states to vote for Clinton, he made it clear that he strongly opposes Donald Trump.
"I see a big difference between the R candidate and the D candidate and I've been at some pains to say that I fear for the country if Mr.
Trump should be elected," Weld said. "It's a candidacy without any parallel that I can recall. It's content-free and very much given to stirring up envy and resentment and even hatred. And I think it would be a threat to the conduct of our foreign policy and our position in the world at